Sunday, July 21, 2013

Frequency Based Learning ~By Angela Levesque ~via @OmTimes
By Angela Levesque
Have you ever heard of a scientist making a discovery and somebody, unknowingly and independently, across the world makes the same discovery? In science, they call this, “multiple independent discovery”. Evolution, the telescope and even calculus are examples of this phenomenon. There are many ways to gain knowledge in this world. We often think of knowledge being learned through scientific inquiry, one discovery on the back of another. But what if there are other ways to learn? What if research is just one road to knowledge and everything we ever wanted to learn/know is available through the heart lines of consciousness?

Quantum Learning
In order to understand how frequency-based learning works, we need to look at how information is stored and passed through our field of consciousness. In truth, information is not stored anywhere, rather it exists in the field of consciousness as waves of pure energy. Not existing anywhere, until it is called upon. It has been and always will be available to us. The real issue is not the storage, but the accessing of the information. The field of consciousness holds all the intelligence of the universe, it contains all information and through its energy, we are able to unlock unlimited potential and gain instant knowledge. Instead of inferring the whole from its parts, it is about embracing the whole first. Not through the mind, but in the heart. The heart receives from the unified field pure impulses of energy, which our brain then interprets. In this way, we can gain knowledge, not through words which are symbols, but pure intelligence.

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