Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chakra Healing: 7 Karmic Benefits of Healing the 7 Chakras

Chakra Healing: 7 Karmic Benefits of Healing the 7 Chakras

Chakra Healing:  7 Karmic Benefits of Healing the 7 Chakras

Who doesn’t want a little more, or a little better karma? We all want it. That’s why we work so hard to perform those random acts of kindnesses, and all of the other little gifts of unconditional love that we bring to the table for the people in our lives every day. We do it out of love, but we also do it because we want that boomerang to come right back to us. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all. That isn’t selfish at all. In fact, staying on top of your karmic balances is exactly what will send that karmic boomerang right back to your direction. Every religion and every belief system on the planet functions on that very basic principle. And guess what? Every scientific one does too. Sow good things, and you will harvest even better ones. We all want beautiful things to harvest.

But the concept of karma can be a pretty elusive one. We can’t see it. We can’t measure it in a lab, or chart it on a graph. We can only feel it and experience it in the things that happen to us. But those things don’t come with a card attached that says, “Karma check, you are receiving a work bonus today because you brought cookies to your elderly neighbor last week.” So we don’t always know why good, or bad, things happen to us. But we do always wonder. How did this happen?

Einstein talked a lot about balance and the Universe in his laws on relativity, and almost every other thing he talked about. For every combination of elements there is a reaction. An outcome. It’s the law. You can’t put two things together and expect nothing to happen. Something is going to happen.

Combine two bad things, you likely get one big very bad thing. So it’s important to be careful to find out, what the bad things are, and not put them together. Combine one good thing, and one bad thing, and well, cross your fingers and hold your breath and hope there isn’t an explosion. Combine two good things, and, cross your fingers, hold your breath, and, wait for a miracle. That’s what karma is about. Those little elements that you combine together over and over again in your daily life, that create outcomes and reactions. Some are good, some are bad, it’s all one experiment after another. And you are the one in the lab coat, creating those reactions in life. Einstein says, it’s the law. It has to happen that way. And a lot of people agreed with him.

The Karma and Chakra Connection….

So wouldn’t it be nice if we had a cleaner way to figure out what the good elements of karma were, or how to identify the bad elements when we are developing our own life equations? Of course it would. But that’s the elusive part. For many. But not for you. Believe it or not you can begin to create more and more positive karmic reactions in your life using a system that you have on hand right this very moment. That’s a system that is in your own body. And we call that the chakra system.

The 7 chakras are another one of those “elusive” concept, because we can not see them with the naked eye. But we know they exist. They are the invisible spinning wheels of energy in your own body right now, that are important for your spiritual growth. And just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they aren’t spinning. Think about a horse at the race track. Now think of many all racing. Some are ahead, some are behind, and some are in the middle. You can not physically see with your naked eye the energy levels that each individual horse is exerting in that particular race. But you know the energy is there, and that it is all occurring at different levels. You just can’t physically see it. The only evidence you have is in the outcome, that some are slower, some are faster, and some are in the middle.

The chakras work just like that, but in your human body. Einstein found hundreds of mind, body, and soul, connections regarding fields of energy in his work on physics and in the field of science. He did not discover the 7 chakras, but the 7 chakras are just an example of how Einstein’s theories on energy actually work. Because that’s exactly what the 7 chakras are. They are invisible spinning wheels of energy, and there are 7 of them in your body right now. In those spinning wheels, matter can not be created or destroyed. But you can change the form of that matter, or energy, in a way that also maintains your karma balance.

In your body, your 7 chakras are like all of the horses at the races. Some are running faster than the others, some are downright burned out, and some are doing just fine. When you have each of these 7 chakras running and racing at the same rate, you are feeling on top of the world and like a well oiled machine. And if you don’t feel like that don’t fret. We all need constant work on our 7 chakras, just like the horses that compete always need to be trained and maintained.

Each of these 7 chakras has its own spiritual purpose. And when that chakra is aligned, or clear as we say, then you automatically restore it to its natural karmic state. When that happens, that is when you attract karmic rewards. So you strengthen each chakra by committing karmic acts that pertain to that chakra, and by so doing you clear the chakra and align it in a way that sends a signal to the karmic boomerang. We call this chakra healing. And through chakra healing you become the master of your Fate, and your karmic rewards. So let’s have a look at each of the 7 chakras, the karma that it rules, and how to start sending signals to that karmic boomerang through chakra healing.

1. Root Chakra – Power Karma.

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine, or on your tailbone, thus it is called the root. This chakra rules your basic needs of survival, and also your personal power. When you are feeling broke and destitute, your power karma is out of whack. You can align this chakra and clear it with power karma by meditating or wearing the color red. Performing acts that pertain to meeting basic survival needs for others will also help you to keep this power karma in check. Chakra healing can also occur through red gemstones or healing crystals like ruby or garnet.

2. Sacral Chakra – Sex Karma.

Your sacral chakra is orange, and located in your pelvis or in your fertility organs. This is your sex chakra and so sex karma is big for this chakra. If you are not living a sexual lifestyle that is honest and responsible, you are going to have problems here. The best way to fix that is by, you got it, being more honest and responsible. Forgiveness goes a long way towards chakra healing of the sacral chakra as well, and sometimes that means forgiving yourself for mistakes you made in the past. Physical problems could also impair this chakra, and there’s nothing wrong with that either. It happens. It’s called being human, and that’s what doctors are for. Orange is your power color if you want to ignite your sex karma with your sacral chakra. Regular sexual activity is also important for this chakra to stay in check. So if you aren’t getting that, you need to tune that up. That’s an important part of life. There is a reason you aren’t sexually happy, it could be emotional, it could be your relationship, it could be physical. But you should be sexually happy. And if you aren’t, start working on that and your sex karma will begin to zing right back at you. And you’ll like it. Promise.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Confidence Karma.

Your confidence karma is found in your solar plexus chakra, which is the color of yellow and located in your chest. Ever feel really proud about yourself or puffed up a bit because something awesome makes you feel….awesome? That’s your solar plexus chakra singing in joy. This is your confidence karma. If you need to look up what the word “confidence” means, you may need some chakra healing here. You should feel confident in your day to day life. You should be waking up and glad to be alive, and happy to have a job, or a family, and want to do the very best you can. If you don’t feel like this every day, that’s normal. We all have Mondays where we just want to crawl right back under. But confidence is something you should be feeling as much as possible. You should feel good about who you are, the decisions you’ve made, and your place in the world. Does that seem foreign to you? Then you are short on confidence karma. And solar plexus chakra healing will really help you. Meditating and wearing the color yellow are helpful here. You can also perform chakra healing with yellow gemstones like topaz, or even gold which is a true confidence color. Wake up in the morning with a purpose to do something great today, even if it’s just a little thing. The more you do that, the more your solar plexus will begin to puff out with gorgeous confidence karma again.

4. Heart Chakra – Love Karma.

The heart chakra is located, you guessed it, in your heart. And it is responsible for your love karma. This chakra is blocked or in need of chakra healing when you are feeling heartbroken. Heart break in fact is the literal definition of a blocked heart chakra. Your heart is broken. And it must be fixed. There are some issues with love karma here. Take stock of your role in the situation and make an honest assessment of what you did or did not do that led to this recent chain of events. No matter what happened, you likely blame yourself. Guilt is a huge blocker of love karma. Whether you ended a relationship, or it ended on you, or you simply lost someone you love in a tragedy, you have guilt no matter what. Again, that’s called being human. Forgiveness is another huge part of chakra healing of the heart chakra. Let that guilt go, and forgive yourself for being human. If loss happened, it happened. It may or may not be able to be undone. But no matter what happened, that doesn’t mean you are done with love for life. It simply means, in this situation, right now, you are. Restore your love karma and continue to attract love into your life with a healed heart chakra. Start by wearing and focusing on the color green. And continue loving anyway. Yep. I know it’s tough. But love is what will attract love when you want to fix your love karma. Einstein said you have to be love to get love as a reaction. Be love, and wait for it. Your love karma boomerang is on its way.

5. Throat Chakra – Communication Karma.

Your throat chakra is located in your throat, around your vocal chords and is the chakra that rules communication coming and going. So if you are getting mixed messages from someone, you may need some chakra healing here. You may also be sending mixed messages, and that’s never good for communication karma either. Honesty is what clears up this chakra in both word and in deed. Be careful with your communication and be sure that you are being up. When you do, your communication karma balances out and you are now both sending and receiving clear communication signals. Blue is the power color for throat chakra healing, a blue scarf, or neck tie is a great accessory on days when you need to have a big talk or give a presentation. Blue gemstones also help with chakra healing to restore communication karma in the throat chakra.

6. Third Eye Chakra – Vision Karma.

Your third eye chakra is located on your forehead between your two eyes. It is the color of indigo, or a deep dark purple, or a navy blue that is almost purple. This is the chakra that rules your vision into the future, your foresight, your ability to see or predict outcomes in the equations of life that you are putting together. Many psychics use this as their tool to see the future. And you can too! If you have good vision karma, and good instinct on what will happen when you put two and two together, then you have a very good functioning third eye chakra. But many of us need a little help and chakra healing here. You can enhance your dream world, and your day to day life by chakra healing of the third eye chakra. With more work here, your vision karma can be en pointe, and help you to actually visualize positive outcomes that will manifest into reality. How is that for good karma? Wearing indigo, or using crystals like amethyst are very helpful in chakra healing of the third eye chakra.

7. Crown Chakra – Divine Karma.

Your crown chakra is located on the crown of your head, and is your connection to the Divine. Or the Source. Or God. Or your angels and guides. Whatever you want to call that Higher Power that you believe in, it is that same unseen force that adds its own variables to your life equations. And it is the same one that Einstein also believed in. Your crown chakra is your absolute connection to this source. People that pray or meditate or even both, have a very good Divine karma, because they are always in communication with the Divine. This is a very excellent way to restore your Divine karma. As is simply believing! The Crown chakra is either white or violet, and so these colors will help you in chakra healing of the crown chakra. This chakra is ruled by unconditional love. And so this is the mindset you must bring to all areas of your life when you want to keep your Divine karma in check, and your crown chakra clear and free to receive these messages and daily inspirations.

Are you ready to perform chakra healing? Which of the 7 chakras do you want to start with first? What stories of chakra healing can you share to inspire others in our community?

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