Thursday, May 16, 2013

Practicing Infinity ~ Alberto Villoldo

via @albertovilloldo~

Where modern science meets ancient wisdom.

Practicing Infinity

"The luminous body holds a template of our health.
 It encodes how welive, how we age, how we heal,
 and how we will die".
We were sitting on a rock in the foothills surrounding Cuzco. Antonio, my teacher, looked at me with dark, gentle eyes, like a father would look at a child. But he could shift his gaze and suddenly peer from beneath his wrinkled brow with the keen eyes of a hawk. He looked upon me with the same loving gaze with which he embraced the mountains and the trees. His dark features made him seem part of the rocky landscape.
“We are luminous beings on a journey through the stars,” the old Indian said to me “We are star travelers, that have existed since the beginning of time.” 
I asked him how he knew this. I looked at this medicine man living out the last years of his life. The clear dark eyes glittered with the vibrancy of a young man still in his twenties. 
“I know”, he said. “I have seen it.”
He had stepped beyond death, had freed himself from the temporal existence that keeps the rest of us bound to illness, old age, and disease. He had not read about this somewhere. Through his training as a medicine man in the high mountains of the Andes he had experienced his luminous, transtemporal nature. He knew that he was more than flesh and bone, that he was made of light, and spirit, and the stuff of stars. He had tracked the luminous threads of his existence as far back as the beginning of time, and into the future when our universe would return to that singularity- the big bang- from which it was created. He could track his nature through time the same way that he could track a deer through the forest.
Tasting infinity had set him free. He assured me that someday it would free me as well, if I could find the courage to heal myself. He believed we are all capable of experiencing infinity. Today. Right now. That this was the ultimate healing experience. He believed then, as I believe today, that all healing is self-healing, that no one heals us; we heal ourselves by the power of knowing our place in the universe, and experiencing infinity through our luminous energy fields. 
Alberto Villoldo

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