Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pluto Direct The planet of truth moves forward


On Twitter @dailyscopes

When a planet goes retrograde, it appears (to our eyes) to move backward, creating a "Bizarro World" of all the things it represents. For Pluto, the muckraking planet that reveals deep desires and hidden secrets, the past five months of Pluto Retrograde meant that we turned our focus inward, forcing us to face up to our own buried truths.

But now, when Pluto goes direct on Tuesday, September 18, suppressed desires will return to the surface, permitting us to see our innermost secrets in the light of day.

Pluto is the planet associated with the underworld. In Roman mythology, Pluto was the king who oversaw the land of the dead; as a planet, Pluto forces us to confront similar unpleasantness, namely the dark sides of ourselves and others.

When this slow-moving planet enters a new horoscope sign (approximately every 22 years), it reveals the downside, even the corruption, in whatever that sign represents. Consider the areas are already being shaken up around the world -- a global financial recession and an overhaul of old systems, like health care in America. This is Pluto's way of telling us that our old way of doing things isn't working anymore, and we need a change!

But Pluto isn't really a downer planet. Think of it as the planet of epiphany: It brings truth to the surface, showing us what needs improvement on a personal and planetary level. When it turns direct, it's important to be be honest but kind with ourselves and others, which will earn trust and renew passion for pursuing our goals.
During Pluto Retrograde, you may have noticed yourself reassessing the relationships in your life to figure out which interpersonal connections no longer benefited you. When Pluto goes direct, it'll throw these truths into the spotlight.

While Pluto might sound harsh, it ultimately acts as a catalyst. This planet has a bad rap for being dark, but at its best it can be transformative. As the old adage goes, the best way to solve a problem is to first admit that you have one. Pluto will help you there!

And with Pluto shoving that problem in your face, you'll get the push you need to take action!

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