If we wake up and overcome any denial of connected reality we can see that the modern world today is under the dominion of the Amerikan Empire.
What is a nation?
Any valid claim to independent nationhood under the power of an Empire is an illusion. Empire precludes nationhood. Under corporate capitalism the USA is no longer a free independent nation as commonly understood. It is homebase for the Amerikan Empire.
We will examine what a nation is in terms of being an objective nation-state, not only a subjective ‘national consciousness’. We need to begin with a basic clear definition of what a nation is:
na•tion noun \ˈnā-shən\
Definition of NATION
1a (1) : nationality 5a (2) : a politically organized nationality (3) : a non-Jewish nationality b : a community of people composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory and government c : a territorial division containing a body of people of one or more nationalities and usually characterized by relatively large size and independent status
2 archaic: group, aggregation
3 a tribe or federation of tribes (as of American Indians)
Origin of NATION:
Middle English nacioun, from Anglo-French naciun, from Latin nation-, natio birth, race, nation, from nasci to be born; akin to Latin gignere to beget — more at kin
First Known Use: 14th century
Related to NATION:
Synonyms: commonwealth, country, land, sovereignty (also sovranty), state
To lay a valid claim to nationhood a nation must meet certain objective criteria. We do not create a nation by issuing a grandiose manifesto nor with a subjective state of mind. A true nation must be more than merely the collective belief in the ideal of a nation by a group of believers. It must exist here now in connected reality.
Among the criteria of a true nation is:
1. A sovereign independent state that has control and full dominion over a designed land area with guarded borders.
2. A central administrative apparatus that governs the nation on a day-to-day basis and administers justice.
3. A mobilized army composed of a group of armed men capable of defending the territorial integrity of a nation.
Even the UN itself is not what its name proclaims. It is not a united set of nations working together for all. Official U.N. Representatives with little flags in front of them seated at the United Nations do not represent free sovereign nations. You cannot have a true nation if you are under the control of any foreign power, such as, the Amerikan Empire. If a large community is still a territory subject to the dictates of a ruling Empire it is not a true nation!
Amerikan Nationalism
na•tion•al•ism noun \ˈnash-nə-ˌli-zəm, ˈna-shə-nə-ˌli-zəm\
Definition of NATIONALISM
1: loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups
2: a nationalist movement or government
1 : a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries ▪ The war was caused by nationalism and greed. —compare patriotism
2: a desire by a large group of people (such as people who share the same culture, history, language, etc.) to form a separate and independent nation of their own ▪ Scottish nationalism
1. The war was caused by nationalism and greed.
2. Nazism’s almost epic nationalism appealed to downtrodden Germans still suffering the humiliation of being defeated in World War I.
First Known Use of NATIONALISM 1844
Synonyms: jingoism, chauvinism, superpatriotism
“Fascism is a form of authoritarian civic nationalism which stresses absolute loyalty and obedience to the state, whose purpose is to serve the interests of its nation alone.”
Amerikan Nationalism today is similar to Nazi Germany nationalism during the height of the Third Reich. Many White people in Amerika still think they are superior to non-White people. Many of the Founding Fathers of Amerika were slave masters and did not oppose Black slavery. Amerika has the false belief that it is divinely ordained by Manifest Destiny. It now boasts of a vain superior Amerikan exceptionalism. It does not want to remember the genocide of the original indigenous native people of Aztlán; the Black slave trade; the grand theft of the U.S. southwest; the internment and relocation of 110,000 Japanese inside the United States during WWII that did not happen to German-Americans; built-in institutionalized racism and other historical atrocities. It is still a country dominated by a White racist culture no matter how you look at the Amerikan kaleidoscope. Now the so-called minorities are becoming the majority over White Amerikans, though many of them are ‘wanna-be-Whites’. Karma always catches up!
Amerikan Empire
In connected reality the Amerikan Empire is the supreme empire of the whole world (though the Chinese Empire is a great competitor). It protects global corporate capitalism with the prestige of power of the U.S. government; the mass psychology of the corporate media and the greatest military machine in all of man’s history (the U.S. Armed Forces and its unofficial paid killer-soldiers). It is a shady shape shifter than changes shape in accordance with a given local situation. It imposes imperialism abroad with its foreign policies, maintains fascism on the domestic front and can carry out black ops with impunity, including secret rendition into invisible prisons, for those deemed to be enemies of the Empire. As a result, all states under its control are not true independent sovereign nations once we look deeper than superficial manifestations of nationhood ~beneath the flag waving, patriotic fervor and the psycho-social sense of being a ‘nation’ of people.
Open your mind. We must admit that the USA is now under the control of the Amerkan Empire: its super-rich corporate ruling class, fascist police state and corporate mass media. It is an Empire!
As an authoritarian regime the Amerikan Empire has direct and/or indirect control over other territories under its rule (known before as colonies or neo-colonies under Amerikan Imperialism). Amerika has failed to live up to the promise of the American Dream. Hard work under corporate capitalism is not enough. There is no liberty and justice for all. The American Dream has turned into the ugly reality of the Amerikan Nightmare.
Amerikan Electoral Politics
Amerikan elections and electoral politics in general is a rotten to the core corrupt system under the phony illusion of Amerikan democracy. It is a rich man’s game. Nowadays political candidates must have millions of dollars to run for high public office and if they win they end up beholden to the financial interests of corporate lobbyists.
Traditional Amerikan electoral politics manufactures the illusion of choice. It is now dominated by two major corporate-controlled parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In collusion together these two dominant political parties constitute one huge two headed monster. The system is broken from the bottom up. For example, there is no direct election for the President and Vice-President because of the Electoral College. It is so complicated that most ordinary citizens have given up trying to understand its hustles and complications.
A true democracy requires the mass education and active participation of the people; government financing of political campaigns; set campaign spending limits and direct elections by the people. The majority rules in a true democracy. Anyone who can win the votes of the people should be able to aspire to any political office with a fair chance of winning in free, open democratic elections.
As a result of the corruption of electoral politics, many potential voters do not even bother to register to vote. If they do register to vote many do not go out and vote on Election Day because they feel that their one vote will not make a real difference. People are now disgusted and turned off by politics and ‘business as usual’. Politics is now a dirty word.
A true legitimate democracy must be a participatory democracy, its people must be involved in the politics of the day on an on-going basis because they believe in the merits of a people’s democracy. We must redefine our definitions. A new kind of politics should be about letting the people express true interests, meeting the survival needs of the people and making our dreams come true.
Amerika Today
Amerika, masquerading as the USA, due to its historical and continuing inhumane crimes against humanity, is in no position to act as if it has true moral authority over all others. Amerika has more prisons and jails than all other countries combined. Our Brother Leonard Peltier is still a Prisoner of War caged without justice. The Amerikan people are seen as arrogant, racist and naive by the majority of the world’s peoples ~the so-called Third World. U.S. citizens think that the term ‘America’ only applies to citizens of the United States and forgets about the millions of other people who live in the Americas in the so-called Western Hemisphere. Its confused people are now lost in the illusion of Amerikan nationalism.
We are still under the reign of the imperial designs of the Amerikan Empire. Many millions of Amerikans suffer in the misery of poverty. We are not really like the ones in Amerikan television commercials. We need a massive government bailout of decent jobs, affordable housing and safe neighborhoods, not bailouts for Wall Street and foreign wars costing trillions of dollars.
A true humane global democracy means fairness, justice and dignity for all people. We must come together as global humane beings, equals with equal humane rights, no matter where we are from. Embrace all the family of humanity. Be one people of one planet. Be concerned with the basic survival interests and spiritual needs of the vast majority, yet pay equal heed to all minorities. We all have legitimate humane rights. No one is born illegitimate. No one is illegal. We all have a right to exist. We all have a right to be here now. Leave no one out. Welcome all. Abandon your borders. Build bridges, not walls. Make a conscious effort to love all people and hate no mortal. Hate the evils of great sins, not sinners. Be a better being than whom you deem to be your enemy.
Let us discuss our many differences, get involved with constructive debate, engage in meaningful dialogue and work together to create a peaceful revolution inside the United States. Let us advocate peaceful revolutions throughout the world as far as possible.
Seeing the big picture we must have the vision to create a global socialist democracy that is humane in its essence without dogma, not stuck in the old guard ideology of Marxism. We must unite and oppose corporate capitalism as it sucks the lifeblood out of people. We need a new world where there is truly liberty and justice for all of us upon Mother Earth.
In the spirit of humanity let us blossom in our spiritual evolution together. Let go of the illusion of nationalism. Be one for all and all for one. Be equal among all people with a humane loving compassion for all who suffer.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” ~President Kennedy http://bit.ly/hHM6CS
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