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![]() ![]() Mt. Shasta ![]() Lake Titicaca ![]() Uluru-Katatjuta ![]() Glastonbury Tor ![]() Great Pyramid ![]() Mt. Kailas | Ancient people knew that wherever the earth's energy gathered into a vortex was a sacred place. These strongly charged areas of the globe have also been the places where people have chosen to build churches, temples and other centers of spirit and learning. Places like Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt, Easter Island, and so on are well known as vortex spots. There are three main types of vortexes - all three are replenishing and supercharged with high quality energy.The three vortex types are:
There are powerful vortexes scattered around the globe that are, in essence, the Earth's chakra system. Earth has both a major and a minor chakra system, just as people do. With the advent of modern life and wide spread pollution, the Earth's chakras have become contaminated - and in need of clearing. Ancient mystics such as the Druids used song, sounds, and ceremonies to keep a chakra open, cleaned, and in proper working order. More and more people in the 21st century are remembering these old ways and are once again paying homage in ritual to the Great Mother. People are relearning the ancient shamanic and medicine way knowledge, centered on a relationship with the Earth. This not only helps heal the Earth, but affects the person strongly as well. Again, the relationship between the Earth and us is reciprocal. We affect each other in direct and subtle ways. As people meditate and send energy to the Earth while close to a vortex point, most come to a common realization. These vortexes serve as portals - ones that humans can tap to touch their own higher dimensional selves. All of us have at least 12 layers of subtle bodies coupled with our current physical one. The Earth has these layers as well. When we are close to an active chakra of the Earth, it energizes us to "see" things the way they really are - multidimensional and ever evolving. Although some may think vortexes and energy grids are pure fantasy, science is beginning to prove that this ancient teaching is actual fact. As Joseph Jochmans wrote in Earth, the Crystal Planet"In 1973, three Russians--historians Nikolai Goncharov, construction engineer Vyacheslav Morozov. and electronics specialist Valery Makarov--announced in the science journal for the Soviet Academy of Science, Chemistry and Life, their discovery of a geometric grid pattern which appears to interlink a wide number of natural phenomena into a single planetary system. Their work was based on the flndings of American researcher Ivan T. Sanderson who identified what he called twelve vile vortexes or electromagnetic energy disturbances located equidistant over the surface of the globe, the so-called Bermuda Triangle near the Caribbean and the Devil's Sea off Japan being two of these. What the three Russians found was an underlying framework linking these centers into a dual crystal structure, a combination between an icosahedron and a dodecahedron. Not surprisingly, these happen to be the Fourth and Fifth Solids in the Platonic series, which were projected outward by the Earth for over the last million years or so." If you get a chance to rest and meditate at one of the major earth vortexes, do make sure that you listen closely. It is commonly accepted that there is at least one major chakra on each continent. The cardinal seven chakras are:
As well, seek out the minor chakras - the vortexes that are in your vicinity. Make a point to visit them regularly. As you do listen for the Earth's ancient language. The Earth's language reaches us via energy - light, sound, electromagnetic radiation, the elements, and so on. Do whatever your heart tells you to do in your sacred place - meditate, dance, sing, chant, drum, walk - whatever makes you feel joy and peace. By doing this you help the Earth to mend any tears and congestion in her chakras - help her revitalize her power. Any chakra work is great chakra work. When you work with one minor or major chakra it affects all of the other ones, around the globe. |

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